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God’s Gift of Language B Writing & Grammar Work-text 3rd Edition Abeka Grade 5

God's Gift of Language B Writing & Grammar Work-text 3rd Edition Abeka Grade 5 Language Series

Book Description
Language Arts skills are foundational to future academic success. Ensure your children are starting off on the right track with God's Gift of Language B for Grade 5! Following a mastery approach to learning, this colorful, write-in text reviews previous concepts before moving on to new skills.
This fifth grade student workbook covers: complements, prepositional phrases, writing letters, diagraming all eight parts of speech, diagraming complements, word usage and more. Students will also work on outlining, note-taking, preparing a bibliography, and writing topic sentences.

God's Gift of Language B Writing & Grammar Work-text 3rd Edition Abeka Grade 5
God's Gift of Language B Writing & Grammar Work-text 3rd Edition Abeka Grade 5 Language Series

Bound softcover. Grade 5.

Book Information
Title: Abeka God's Gift of Language B Writing & Grammar Work-text, Third Edition
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Dimensions: 11 X 8.38 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 11 ounces
Stock No: WW134996

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