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Discovering God’s World: Abeka Grade 1 4th Edition Science Health Series

Discovering God's World - Abeka Grade 1 4th Edition Science Health Series


Discovering God's World 4th

Once your child has learned to read, he can read to learn exciting facts about the world around him! He will love this fascinating book about the world he lives in. From senses and simple machines to squirrels, sunflowers, and seasons, what interesting facts he will discover about the world God created! By understanding observable aspects of God’s creation, he will develop a greater reverence for the Master Designer who planned it all. Carefully explained hands-on activities and demonstrations will help your child become more interested in science and better understand basic science concepts. The study of plants, animals, insects, energy, health, the seasons, and the five senses provide an excellent introduction to science, with emphasis on building interest, furthering reading skills, and developing your child’s vocabulary.

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