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Arithmetic 1 Work-text 2nd Edition Abeka Traditional Arithmetic Series

Arithmetic 1 Work-text 2nd Edition Abeka Traditional Arithmetic Series
Book DescriptionArithmetic 1 Work-text 2nd Edition Abeka Traditional Arithmetic Series
The Abeka Arithmetic 1 workbook builds on prior learning and presents new concepts in an orderly fashion with consistent review. Grade 1 concepts include counting, writing and reading numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and fractions. Four units each have their own fun delightful theme with full-color illustrations: zoo, farm, ocean, and spring. Classwork and seatwork pages feature applications to real-world situations and "thinking cap" activities designed to work students' thinking abilities. 170 lessons. 347 pages, softcover. Grade 1. 2nd Edition.

Book Information
Title: Abeka Arithmetic 1 Work-Text (New Edition)
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 352
Vendor: Abeka
Publication Date: 2016
Dimensions: 11 X 8.5 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds 3 ounces
Stock No: WW197327

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