Language 1 Seatwork Text Fourth Edition Abeka Language Arts Series
Book Description Language 1 Seatwork Text Fourth Edition Abeka Language Arts SeriesThe Abeka Language 1 Seatwork Text provides students with one page a day that will help them use words and express themselves effectively. After completing this text, your child will be able to capitalize significant words; end a sentence with correct punctuation; recognize rhyming words, compound words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and contractions; use prefixes and suffixes; alphabetize words; and even to write original stories on specific topics. Colorful illustrations and creative exercises make learning fun while cross-curricular concept integration reinforces reading and comprehension skills. 168 pages, softcover. 4th Edition. Grade 1.
Book Information
Title: Language 1 Seatwork Text Fourth Edition Abeka
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Publication Date: 2016
Weight: 1 pound 2 ounces
Stock No: WW196878