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The History of Our United States Abeka Grade 4 Fourth Edition

The History of Our United States - Abeka Grade 4 Fourth Edition History Series
Book DescriptionThe History of Our United States
Teach students to see history through the lens of Christianity with this optimistic, conservative history curriculum.
Stepping back in time, students will learn about the important changes and events that have occurred over the course of American history. This fourth grade curriculum covers famous people; major events; changes in ways of travel, communication, and thinking; and the establishment of principles that made America great. The high-interest approach takes students through the high points of American history, including the years of discovery, exploration, the New England colonies, Great Awakening, French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War, World Wars, and more.

Lessons feature a number of full-color photographs and art reproductions, bolded vocabulary words, underlined important concepts, and integrated geography concepts throughout; vocabulary sections, "did you know" review questions, timelines, and "Chapter Check Up" activities are also included. Important historical documents are highlighted. Approx. 262 pages. 4th Grade.

Book Information
Title: Abeka The History of Our United States in Christian Perspective, Fourth Edition
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Dimensions: 10 X 8 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 2 ounces
ISBN: sh10073676
Stock No: WW308626

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