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Creative Writing with Penmanship Skills – Abeka Grade 6

Creative Writing with Penmanship Skills - Abeka Grade 6
Book DescriptionCreative Writing with Penmanship Skills - Abeka Grade 6
Divided into two sections-- Penmanship Skills and Creative Writing--this consumable worktext will help burgeoning writers improve the look and substance of their writing. Students will learn about what characterizes good writing as they study observation & creativity, poetry, and journal writing. Mind-Stretchers provide fun activities that include anagrams, acrostics, rebuses, and other work with synonyms, connotation and illustration. The perforated penmanship practice pages include review of letters and numbers, sentences to copy, and original writing exercises. Approximately 88 pages. Grade 6.
Book Information
Title: Abeka Creative Writing with Penmanship Skills
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Weight: 9 ounces
Stock No: WW157341

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