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Show and Tell 3 Student Book 2nd Edition

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Show and Tell 3 Student Book 2nd Edition
Show and Tell 2nd Edition taps into children’s natural curiosity, asking a question such as ‘who makes you happy?’ or ‘what do our senses tell us?’ as the focus for each unit. Activities encourage children to explore the question while learning the language they need to think and talk about it. End-of-unit class projects consolidate learning and encourage children to work collaboratively. Opportunities to ‘Show and Tell’ allow them to present their projects in class or at home, and to talk about what they have learned – in English! Stories, hand-eye coordination practice and letter formation activities lead to reading and writing simple sentences. Problem-solving activities encourage children to think critically and creatively. Values lessons teach children how to behave both inside and outside the classroom.

Using an inquiry-based approach to learning, Show and Tell develops the communication skills and thinking skills students need for success in the 21st century. Who are your family and friends? Where can we see colors? How can we make music? Oxford Discover uses Big Questions such as these to tap into students' natural curiosity. It enables them to ask their own questions, find their own answers, and explore the world around them. This approach to language learning and literacy, supported by a controlled grammar and skills syllabus, helps students achieve near-native fluency in English. Oxford Discover gives teachers the tools to develop children's 21st century skills, creating young thinkers with great futures..

- Unique methodology which combines a native speaker approach of inquiry-based learning with a controlled grammar and skills syllabus
- Big Questions linked to school subjects form the basis of every unit
- Authentic fiction and non-fiction texts on every topic provide different views on the Big Question
- Video clips provide an introduction to each Big Question, helping students activate prior knowledge
- Teaching tools such as the Big Question Chart support students in the development of critical thinking skills
- Online practice links the class to the home
- Oxford Discover Grammar, and Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling provide additional practice opportunities
- Cambridge Young Learners English Test linked vocabulary syllabus
- Cambridge ESOL style activities

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